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Your continuous support and trust in our organization is crucial for the help given to the families in Morro da Providência, and encouraging us to continue and provide as much assistance as possible during this crisis. 

We will have a fourth distribution in June 2020 - so for those who haven’t participated yet, still want to support or share the action please feel free as we will keep our actions as long as the donations and help are being received. 

You can donate via PayPal or credit card

PART I - March 2020

In the first campaign, we bought 250 for Morro da Providência, looking into helping first the most vulnerable areas of the communities. The deliveries of the 250 basic baskets in Providência took place on March 26th.

PART II- April 2020

For the second campaign, we were able to reach more than 450 families in Morro da Providência, Morro do Pinto and Morro da Conceição (Harbor área) reaching approximately 2/3 of the people people in need and in the most critical situations.

⁣Action - 450 BASIC BASKETS / R$138 each

Objectives - Collected R$20.000 through the crowdfunding site of @riomemoriaacao and R$32.900 via PayPal and bank transfer of Casa Amarela // Total collected R$62.100

PART III  - May 2020

Thanks to all your donations and support, we were able to distribute 350 basic food baskets and hygiene products to families in Providência for this third distribution. 

Some details about the numbers - Casa Amarela has collected R$38.300,00 and SOS Providência (project which Casa Amarela is part of) through the online crowdfunding link R$10.000,00. Each baskets has a cost of R$138 - which makes us able to provide 350 baskets total to the families. 

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We are presenting "the Fresh Basket project," an initiative designed by SOS Providência and Blaise, who is also a violoncello and French teacher at Casa Amarela. This project was born from the need to complement the donations of basic food baskets with healthier food, thinking about a diet with much more nutrients.

With the partnership of the MST of Nova Iguaçu and Daniel, producer at the Glória fair, it was possible to get organic and fresh food to form the Fresh Basket! And it is only the beginning, with your support we will use part of the donations to also continue with this project, providing many families with the best during this period of crisis.

Congratulations to all involved, and especially to those who are daily in the field, giving strength and energy to follow the work and support to the community!

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