
The vulnerable areas of the Harbor Region need help to have basic conditions to face this period of social isolation. Slums have a higher risk of community contamination, mainly due to the scarcity of services and infrastructure, such as lack of access to drinking water.


The SOS Providência (@sos.providencia), which Casa Amarela are part of, together with @galeriaprovidencia , @proviturismo and @riomemoriaacao , is an emergency committee formed by projects and residents who work in Morro da Providência and Zona Portuária. It was created to work in partnership and assist in reducing the impacts of the current Covid-19 pandemic. SOS is organized to carry out fundraising campaigns, as well as receive, distribute and monitor donations distributed to the most vulnerable families.

The Morador Monitor (Monitoring Resident) project was also created by SOS Providência to reduce the impacts of the pandemic and to make a real survey and create results on how many cases and deaths already impacted Providência’ residents. Thirteen residents got together, and in a week, went from house to house making the residents fill out a meticulous form to monitor their actual state of health.

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Results 1st campaign


You can support this cause through the crowdfunding link of SOS Providência.

Results 2nd campaign
